


An Application which enables user to report any grievance by clicking picture and the system detects the issues using image classification and reports to nearby authorities depending on user’s location. Swachh is an AI Enabled citizen grievance monitoring and response system for reporting grievances observed and faced by local people in their day to day life. Its one click grievance reporting system which will be fed with pictures of different problems such as garbage spill, potholes, no parkings, stray dogs etc. with its location to an AI model which will classify the category of the problems and assigns task to respected authorities. Using Data Analysis and Data visualization Swachh provides a dashboard to get visual reports of their area weekly, monthly, annually using different graphs and data visualization techniques which can be viewed by the authorities as well as by the normal users so there will a transparent process and complaints can be tracked.

Below is a video overview of the project.

For this project, our team learned and experimented with multiple new technologies in addition to the Flask and React Native for Android and iOS mobile application stack. We used Fastai for image classification. We used sockets to update the status os predictions.

Click here to take a look at the project on Github!

India Location Details - NPM Package

Open Source contribution. india-location-details package is to get details about Indian locations based on pincode, state name or city name.

Click here to explore the deployed npm package

or here to take a look at the github repo

Nibodh - Portal for searching schools

NIBODH is a sanskrit elucidation meaning knowledge, which is an educational start-up firm that hails from the rooting principal of imparting ideal pathways for optimizing your young one's schooling experience with the best fit to your preferences. Also, it strives to acquire exemplary yields from the students of technical Institutes tending to deliver well crafted and polished engineers to the fast-growing industry. We cater to strengthening the intricate flaws following the ritualistic procedure of the education system. It contemplates every faccet to suit you with the bestest for your desired criterion. Appealing utmost importance to your comfort zone, we assure you with the highest of optimal selection for your ward at any stage of his/her schooling life.

In hindsight, this project was initally developed in Python's framework Flask, but eventually we decided to regenerate this project in React, Next.js and Nodejs as backend!

Automated Guided Vehicle

I created a prototype of one AGV which followed instructions to move pallet from source to destination. I learned about ROS, Sensors, Mapping of area using LIDAR. Built a AGV in a network which follows certain operations based on availability of machines and picking up and dropping pallets from one source to destination. The process of allocating AGVs to tasks, taking into account the cost and required time for the operations to be done. Efficient scheduling therefore would increase the productivity and reduce the delivery cost whilst the entire fleet is optimally utilized.